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Tillandsia Collection Large

Tillandsia Collection Large

Tillandsias are easy-to-care-for terrarium residents and will make themselves home almost anywhere with indirect light and daily misting. Situate your tillandsias in an open or ventilated terrarium, on driftwood or natural stones, inside shells, or simply on a ledge in the sun!

The tillandsias you receive will vary slightly from these photos in size, shape, and color. We will select from the following varieties to curate the perfect collection for you: tillandsia aeranthos hybrid giant, tillandsia bulbosa-belize, tillandsia caulescens, tillandsia harrisii, tillandsia paleacea maxima, tillandsia stricta hybrid, tillandsia tricolor melanocrater, tillandsia xerographica x brachycaulus.

  • Pack of three
  • 6" - 9"



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